Take your boilies out of the freezer, whilst they are nice and cold, take some rock salt, betaine, green lipped mussel powder and a Mcflurry spoon. Three quarter fill a drinks bottle with water, put a spoonful of rock salt into the bottle, next your betaine and lastly your green lipped mussel, give it a good shake until all the...
Last week I spent three days in Newquay, Cornwall at White Acres Holiday Park for National Fishing Month with Preston Innovations, here's a round-up of how it went for me doing some personal fishing in-between coaching. Events like National Fishing Month are always important to me, giving time to help others with their existing angling and even introducing some...
Thursdays match saw the water levels down by about a foot on normal and with the coloured water currently in the docks, nobody was quite sure how it was going to fish. This was the first match of the year at Baltic Wharfe, in the past the fishing always starts the year slowly as its the most exposed part of...
The recent warm weather has certainly livened up the fishing, at Bullocks Farm the owner Phil says that the match lake is fishing well, the fish are well spread around the lake and most pegs are producing. Luncheon fished over a bed of pellets is producing carp, crucians and skimmers. If you fish with maggots or casters you will catch...
Winter seems well and truly behind us now and spring is here, saw my first swallow of the year yesterday and a family of mallard ducklings, and the fishing has got a lot better, even the recent easterlies didn't put the fish off. Thursdays night match was fished at Redcliffe Wharf, the water was nicely coloured, good conditions for the...
This weeks match was fished at Redcliffe Wharf, the pegs are to the left of the 'Ostrich', fishing into the main dock and the fishing was the best it has been for a very long time. The weather was very windy and the water was coloured, perfect conditions for the skimmers and bream to feed. Top weight was Merv Sivell...
The first festival of the year is always something to always look forward to, the long hard winter is behind us and with longer, warmer days and good fishing ahead it is the start of summer for me. My rotation saw me on Pollawyn for the first day and I drew peg 22, not a favoured draw in my opinion...
The warmer weather has really started to improve the fishing, this Thursdays evening match was the best for a long time. It was fished at Redcliffe Wharfe, there was a tinge of colour from the recent rain and a stiff breeze made the fishing a bit uncomfortable. Top rod on the night was Pete Sivell, again, with 10lb 5oz which...
This was my first trip back to Gold after a two week break and how things have changed in that time, the first thing I noticed was how much more colour there was in the water and there was a lot more surface activity. For me March is a month of change, at the start you are fishing in winter...
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