
Photos whilst on the bank

  1. England 'Talent' Day

    Last Sunday I was invited to fish, along with 20 current and future international anglers, the England 'talent' day on the Gloucester Canal at Rea Bridge.The day before the under 23s held their trials on the stretch between Simms and Rea bridges. It was a difficult day for the lads, a few roach and an odd bream, caught late, made...
  2. Daves Dozen, Easter Weekend

    The Easter weekend match was spoilt by dirty water and cold northerly winds. Easter weekend is a busy time on the docks, lots of boats entering and leaving the harbour, combined with some of the highest spring tides of the year meant the water had had a good influx of brackish sea water, so the recent good weights couldnt be...
  3. Bait-tech Festival, Whiteacres

    I have just got back from Whiteacres, the Bait-tech Festival, and what a week it was. In the past, the first festival of the year usually meant gale force wind and driving rain, how different this year, 24 degrees and not a cloud in the sky and the fish really had a munch, lots of anglers averaged over 100lb per...
  4. Daves Dozen, Bristol Docks 22/3/12

    The docks are starting to fish consistently well at the moment, steady warm water temperatures have meant that the skimmers are well 'on'. Thursday evenings match was fished at Welsh Back and Police Launch reaches. The docks are being dredged at the moment so the water is very coloured and at times it pulls fast towards the sea as silty...
  5. Semi Final Practice Weekend

    Saturday we had a team line up on the the Competition reach, this was our last and for some of us, the only weekend we had to practice, the recent changes by the angling trust meant that we had to choose between practicing for the semi or fishing the Sensas Challenge final on the Gloucester canal, I would sooner have...
  6. Daves Dozen, Bristol Docks 15/3/12

    This weeks warm weather has really changed the fishing for the better, the water temperature reached 9 degrees for this weeks match, and the skimmers really responded, the last but one weight in the 3.5 hours was 7lb 14oz. There was nice tinge of colour, no tow to affect the presentation. This weeks match was fished at the welsh back...
  7. Floating Crust wins Canal Match, in March

    No, this is not a wind up, last Saturday I fished the final round of the Basingstoke Canal League at Fleet and the match was won with a double figure carp caught on a top kit with floating crust, apparently the angler who caught saw half a dozen carp cruising around amongst the branches of the tree opposite, so he...
  8. Daves Dozen, Bristol Docks 8/3/12

    Thursday evening match had a real 'spring' feel to it, with the air temperature over 10 degrees and the water temperature up to 8 degrees, overcast skies, so no frost like the previous night. The water had a nice colour to it and with very little wind there was hardly any tow.The skimmers fed well at Welsh Back, top weight...
  9. £10,000 Merida Masters, Spain

    I have just got back from the Merida Masters in Spain, fished on the river Guardiana, and we had a great time. Steve Gardner, Simon Wilsmore, Brad Titmus, Lee Edwards and myself got an invite and after the success we had last year we were all looking forward to getting back.Milo Columbo lent us all seat boxes and nets etc, so...
  10. Daves Dozen, Bristol Docks 1/3/12

    This was the second week at Welsh back, with the warmer weather and some bait going in from last weeks match, the fishing was getting slowly better. Ideal conditions as a gentle breeze and good water colour meant the skimmers had a 'munch'.Top rod for the last 4 matches out of 5 was Pete Sivell, give some one else a...
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