
Photos whilst on the bank

  1. Bristol Docks Evening Series 27/3/14

    The Thursday evening match was fished at Mud Dock and Police Launch stretch of the docks, the water was clear, but a cold easterly wind kept the weights down.Top rod on the night was Jason Bird with 10lb 3oz, he included a big bream amongst his roach catch, all on the pole with maggots. Second was John Macey with 8lb...
  2. Bristol Docks Evening Series 13/3/14

    The water is starting to clear, at last, its the first time for months that the match wasn't fished in dirty water, and the fishing was good, a lot of big roach showed, fish between 8-12oz. These fish are in pristine condition with bright red fins and a lovely blue tinge. These big roach are hardly ever caught and I...
  3. NEWS from Linear Fisheries!

  4. New front window signs on the the shop.

    Check out our new window signage.. cool huh.. Which is your favourite?
  5. New Arrivals to the Second-Hand Zone

    New Arrivals! Shimano Big Baitrunners! 1 set of 3 and a set of 2! CLICK HERE for more info!
  6. Bristol Docks Evening Series 20/2/14

    The Docks has started to fish better, at last, the warm, for the time of the year, coloured water has got the skimmers and roach feeding, Callum did a feature in the week for Pole Fishing magazine and caught over 30lb, a mixed bag of skimmers, bream and roach, he fished near the Thekla.Thursday evening match was won by John...
  7. New Facebook Competition Now LIVE!

    Great Competition here guys!! WIN this Stunning BAC Original Logo T-Shirt! Simply "LIKE" the BAC page then "SHARE" this image! Good Luck! ‪#‎competition‬ ‪#‎win‬ ‪#‎BACOriginallogotee‬‪#‎gottabeinittowinit‬ ‪#‎fitty‬  
  8. A Cold Winter Morning by Jordan Dicks

  9. Urban Banx Euro goes Live!

    Check out the latest instalment of Urban Banx featuring Alan Blair and Oli Davis!
  10. Korda FREE Dvd now here! Carp Fishing Masterclass

    Collect your FREE copy now in store!
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