Last nights match there was signs of the smaller fish feeding and the general fishing getting better, as the weather slowly warms up, lets hope the cold weather forecast for next week doesn't happen. Last weeks match, only bream fed, but this week the mild breeze and clear water meant more fish were beginning to feed, could this be the...
Fox Black Label Isotope White These fox isotopes to fit our Black Label Bite Indicators. They come in two sizes - one for the Micro head and one for the standard bobbin head - they are both white and extremely bright! Fox Black Label Isotope White
Wednesday, was my last practice match before the event, we had a few things sorted on the pole and didn't want to let anyone see, so nobody in the team set a pole up for this match. Its called a practice match but everyone was just trying to win it individually. I drew 105 on Syndicate, caught a few carp...