Bristol Angling Centre Blog

  1. Daves Dozen, Bristol Docks 24/5/12

    Baltic Wharf is starting to hit form, the weather is getting warmer and the fish are starting spread into this area of the dock after spawning, a couple more weeks of this sunshine and the docks should be at its best.Pete Ellis and Pete Sivell tied for top spot this week with 10lb 3oz, Pete Ellis caught a bream and...
  2. Daiwa Trade Match, Gold Valley

    This is always a popular day out for everyone working in the trade, kindly put on and sponsored by Daiwa, it was well attended by over 50 tackle dealers from the southern half of the country, the farthest traveller that I knew about was Scott Smith from Brum.Gold Valley has been fishing its head off lately, Will Raison has caught...
  3. Preston On Box X3 Special, limited edition

    Every now and again Preston come out with a real gem, this box is real value for money.Everything you see in the picture is included in the price.The Onbox X3 has been around a few years, there are loads in use on the bank, this special offer has £80 worth of extras completely Free of charge.The box comes complete with...
  4. Daves Dozen, Bristol Docks 10/5/12

    Rain, rain and more rain, and we are in a drought area. With all the rivers in the area in full flood it was no surprise that the docks was heavily coloured for thursdays evening match. Strong winds made presentation difficult and the chocolate water meant the fish weren't in a mood to feed.Making the best of conditions, at Baltic...
  5. Daves Dozen, Bristol Docks 3/5/12

    This was the last match to be held at Welsh Back, before the matches move to Baltic Wharf and thursday night was typical of the weather recently, wet, wet, wet and windy. Dirty water from the Avon had worked its way through the docks system into Welsh Back but still the skimmers fed.Top rod on the night was match organiser...
  6. Maver Satanic X Carp Pole

    This New Satanic X Carp pole from Maver is due in stock any day, it has been designed by the design team at Maver UK. The design team know exactly what UK anglers need from a pole that is going to be used on modern UK commercials, in fact a lot of the field testing was done at Larford Lakes...
  7. Milo Festival 2012, Whiteacres

    Last months Bait-tech festival will be remembered for the blazing sunshine and lots of fish, this festival will be remembered for rain, rain and more rain, and not forgeting the strong winds, but then its the same for everybody.The first day of the festival, I woke on the monday morning with rain hammering on the lodge roof, another typical wet...
  8. England 'Talent' Day

    Last Sunday I was invited to fish, along with 20 current and future international anglers, the England 'talent' day on the Gloucester Canal at Rea Bridge.The day before the under 23s held their trials on the stretch between Simms and Rea bridges. It was a difficult day for the lads, a few roach and an odd bream, caught late, made...
  9. Daves Dozen, Easter Weekend

    The Easter weekend match was spoilt by dirty water and cold northerly winds. Easter weekend is a busy time on the docks, lots of boats entering and leaving the harbour, combined with some of the highest spring tides of the year meant the water had had a good influx of brackish sea water, so the recent good weights couldnt be...
  10. Bait-tech Festival, Whiteacres

    I have just got back from Whiteacres, the Bait-tech Festival, and what a week it was. In the past, the first festival of the year usually meant gale force wind and driving rain, how different this year, 24 degrees and not a cloud in the sky and the fish really had a munch, lots of anglers averaged over 100lb per...
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