Margin fishing is super fun. Figuring out which margins the fish regularly patrol and carefully setting a trap in close can give you a buzz like no other. Especially when you have a visual on the carp and watching them getting closer and closer to your area. Here are some key things to remember when doing this fishing.

Keep Quiet

Sit far back from the water's edge. With the fish being in the margin they are much more easy to spook. Keep an eye on the spot but from a distance. If you can spot fish on your spot then leave them and just keep an eye on your rod.

Don't talk loudly and keep your footsteps light. This will give you the best chance of catching


Don't put loads of bait out. You're setting a trap rather than fishing for a big hit of fish. A handful of bait is the perfect amount to get a bite!

Baiting Pole.

If you have access to one, then use it! Baiting Poles can get to areas which can't be reached by casting, you can land your rig super accurately and not to mention the lack of disturbance compared to casting.


Keep your rigs short. Most margin spots will be fairly clean so you can get away with a shorter hooklink. This is ideal for this sort of fishing when only having a handful of bait on the spot. I like to use a heavy inline lead for margin fishing as this lead arrangement gives the fish the quickest contact with the lead which will result in a good hook hold.

Keep It Simple

When fishing close into the margin, it's better to keep things nice and simple. Fishing one rod on a spot is the way forward when margin fishing, otherwise there are simply too many lines in the water to where you're fishing.

Keep Compact

Packing light and being compact is a massive advantage when fishing margins. You may decide to move around the lake and fish different margins around the lake. Packing light will enable you to move around the lake a lot easier and in a stealthier manner. Using shorter rods 6ft - 10ft is a massive advantage when fishing margins. You'll be able to maneuver the rod a lot easier when playing a fish in a tighter area giving you more control. If you're fishing a tighter swim then you'll find it easier to get your rig out!

Blog Written By Rob Taylor