Leaders are commonly used in carp fishing as a way to pin the line down and to conceal the line with the lake bed. You can buy leaders pre spliced or you can buy the materials and splice them yourself. Here is a guide on how to splice leaders. Step 1 Firstly you want to get your materials out. The...
As many anglers know, spooling up reels can be a pain and as a result it is often a job which doesn't happen as much as it should. This article should make spooling your reels ten times easier than before. Backing Line The use of a backing line is a game changer for spooling your reels. It saves you money...
Nothing is more exciting than surface fishing, having the chance to watch the fish feeding on the surface and being able to watch them swim up to your rig, simply nothing compares with it, when your fishing on the bottom or with zigs, you never have the understanding of what's happening in your swim as you do with surface fishing...
Ever since 2004, Nash have been producing some of the most innovative products available to modern carp fishing. Their Siren bite alarm’s are no exception to this, with multiple Siren bite alarms now available on the market, lets take a look at what makes these alarms so unique. Nash Siren S5 Bite Alarm The Siren S5 is the cheapest in...
During the last week of July, I headed down to Anglesey in North Wales for a 4 night session at Llyn Y Gors Carp Lake with my brother Luke (who got there 2 days prior). Arriving on the late afternoon, I had a walk around and it did not take long to find a number of fish grouped up in...
Daiwa Infinity X45 Carp Rod Daiwa are renowned worldwide in the fishing tackle industry for continuously pushing the boundaries when it comes to their rod building technology. The Infinity range in particular has always had a reputation for quality and reliability. Therefore it comes as no surprise that they have pulled out all the stops during the development of these...
This weeks top tip from me is going to be how to splice a Lead-Free leader. The components you need for splicing are a Leadcore/Lead-Free leader of your choice, the one I'm using today is Submerge from Fox, you also need a nice sharp pair of scissors and a Splicing Needle. You can cut the leader to whatever length you...
I'm going to quickly talk to you about one of my favourite ways of catching carp, and that's being able to watch them in the edge and stalk them. I've found that particularly on smaller shallower lakes, it doesn't take a lot for the water to warm up and when it does those fish will actively be searching out the...
This is my next top tip; how to enhance your Tiger Nut hookbaits. Firstly, I take my ready prepared Tiger Nuts into my empty pot and fill it about halfway. Next I take some full fat Coco-cola, tip a little bit of that in. Next, a tin of Red Bull and add the same amount of that as well, just...
This is my top tip for all year round fishing, it's solid PVA Bag fishing, it's perfect for chucking at showing fish and for your general day ticket waters. To make the solid PVA bag I use the Fox Rapide Loading System and what I put in the bag is a mixed pellet, this is the Mighty Mix Pellet; a...
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