In modern day carp angling, there are so many different rigs available for different presentations. You got wafter rigs, bottom bait rigs and pop-up rigs. For my wafter and bottom bait fishing, I have been using the Blow Back rig for a good couple of years. Here is a quick guide on this rig. What Components Do I Need? For...
Margin fishing is one of the best ways to catch carp, right in the edge next to where they feel safe. Most anglers will just cast a rig on that spot and fish like you ussualy would with the line running through the water. This still catches carp and there is nothing wrong about doing this, but there is a...
Since their launch, Delkim have made alarms which are considered to be the best on the market. Their products have influenced lots of other popular bite alarms and they are still bringing out new innovations to this day. Delkim's Introduction In the late 1970’s, carp anglers DEL Romang and KIM Donaldson put their names together which formed Delkim. At the...
In modern day carp angling, spod mixes can feature any bait you want to incorporate into your fishing. There is not a wrong way to do a spod mix as a spod mix can consist of anything, however there is plenty of factors into achieving a deadly spod mix. Firstly, there is rarely a reason why you need to fill...
Nothing is more exciting than surface fishing, having the chance to watch the fish feeding on the surface and being able to watch them swim up to your rig, simply nothing compares with it, when your fishing on the bottom or with zigs, you never have the understanding of what's happening in your swim as you do with surface fishing...
The Carp Society will be hosting an open on Saturday the 2nd of July and we're proud to say we will have a trade stand! Key Objectives from The Carp Society For those who don't know, The Carp Society was founded back in May 1981 up north in Sheffeild. The Carp Society promotes the sort of angling and provides facilites...
In modern-day carp angling, lead set-ups are becoming more important to the carp angler. More anglers are commonly finding themselves in different fishing situations to what they’re used to, have it be presenting a rig on a different bottom, casting further or shorter or even just presenting a different rig. Lead Clip One of the most commonly used lead...
Summer is one of the most pleasant times to go fishing, the sun is out, the bank has blossomed with wildlife, it feels completely different to what it did during that long winter, however just like winter it is very important you dress accordingly. As anglers know there is nothing worse than being too hot and drowning yourself in sweat...
As most carp anglers know, carp will spend a lot of time in the mid layers - the upper surface of the water, sometimes making them quite hard catch off the bottom. As carp are also known for feeding throughout the whole water column, this is where the zig rig can turn a session into a red-letter day. Technically developed...
Ever since 2004, Nash have been producing some of the most innovative products available to modern carp fishing. Their Siren bite alarm’s are no exception to this, with multiple Siren bite alarms now available on the market, lets take a look at what makes these alarms so unique. Nash Siren S5 Bite Alarm The Siren S5 is the cheapest in...
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