
  1. The "D Rig" by Dan Jefferies

    Today i'm going to talk you through my favourite rig, i've used it for a number of years now, i think it's caught me a lot of extra fish and that is the D Rig. Right, so start from the bait, I attach the bait using a Micro Ring Swivel which is sliding on the back of the hook on...
  2. Boosting Hookbaits by Jordan Dicks

    My top tip this winter is boosting your hookbaits, here's how I do it. Ok, so first off I'll take my chosen hookbaits, in this instance it's the Citruz Wafters. I'll then take two empty pop up tubs, and i'll empty the tub of Citruz Wafters equally between the two. Ok, so once you've spread your pop-ups equally between the...
  3. Shotting Pole Rigs Correctly by Callum Dicks

    My top tip for this week is shotting rigs correctly. When approaching most modern day commericals, one of the biggest questions I have to ask myself is which bait is going to be best; maggots or pellets. But it's not quite as simple as that, you have to shot your rig correctly depending on what bait is going to be...
  4. Catfish & Carp at White Acres Holiday Park - Dan Shipp

    Last week I spent three days in Newquay, Cornwall at White Acres Holiday Park for National Fishing Month with Preston Innovations, here's a round-up of how it went for me doing some personal fishing in-between coaching.   Events like National Fishing Month are always important to me, giving time to help others with their existing angling and even introducing some...

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