In modern day carp angling, there are so many different rigs available for different presentations. You got wafter rigs, bottom bait rigs and pop-up rigs. For my wafter and bottom bait fishing, I have been using the Blow Back rig for a good couple of years. Here is a quick guide on this rig. What Components Do I Need? For...
Nothing is more exciting than surface fishing, having the chance to watch the fish feeding on the surface and being able to watch them swim up to your rig, simply nothing compares with it, when your fishing on the bottom or with zigs, you never have the understanding of what's happening in your swim as you do with surface fishing...
Carp Fishing on a Budget - Korda Basix Range The Basix range has been designed to cater for carp anglers on a budget, with the emphasis being on providing high quality products, which will catch fish, but at a price that anyone can afford. Korda wanted to create a range of tackle to offer new anglers or those who don’t...
Today i'm going to talk you through my favourite rig, i've used it for a number of years now, i think it's caught me a lot of extra fish and that is the D Rig. Right, so start from the bait, I attach the bait using a Micro Ring Swivel which is sliding on the back of the hook on...
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