Korda Basix Coated Hooklink

Korda Basix Coated Hooklink

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Korda Basix Coated Hooklink

The Basix range has been designed to cater for carp anglers on a budget, with the emphasis being on providing high quality products, which will catch fish, but at a price that anyone can afford.

The Basix Coated Hooklink is a soft, supple coated braid material which lends itself to a huge variety of presentations such as fishing bottom baits, wafters or pop ups. Both the inner braid and outer coating are finished in a subtle camo green colour which has been designed to blend in with any lakebed you might find yourself fishing over.

The braid will lay straight without the need for steaming, giving it fantastic anti tangle properties, plus the coating is easily to strip back to reveal the supple inner braid, which is perfect for when you are trying to create a hinge or supple section to give your rigs extra movement. It knots extremely well without breaking the outer coating and can be used in conjunction with any conventional fishing knot.

The braid comes in 18lb and 25lb breaking strains and is supplied on 10 metre spools which is plenty enough to last you a long time and to tie plenty of rigs.

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Manufacturer Part Number KBX010
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